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20% Fabian 4Turf Tetraploid Perennial Ryegrass 20% Double Perennial Ryegrass 20% Stravinsky Perennial Ryegrass 35% Rossinante Strong Creeping Red Fescue 5% Sabrena Rough Stalked meadow Grass Sowing rate: 35-50g/m2 Oversowing: 15-25g/m2 Mowing height: down to 10mm

Johnsons J Tee offers a unique combination of 4Turf tetraploid ryegrass and Sabrena RSMG delivers very rapid establishment for frequently worn shaded turf, with exceptional density and improved disease resistance. Its features include:

  • Hard wearing even under close mown conditions
  • Combination of new cultivars for exceptional fineness and improved colour
  • Gromax treated, maximises seedling development

Iseed logo Ji Tee - iseed option available

Johnsons J Tee