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Johnsons J Roughs
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10% Helena Slender Creeping Red Fescue 25% Maxima Strong Creeping Red Fescue 25% Herald Strong Creeping Red Fescue 25% Triana Hard Fescue 10% Crested Dogstail 5% Highland Browntop Bent Sowing rate: 25-35g/m2 Mowing height: down to 20mm
Attractive when left uncut, open sward will not slow play unnecessarily and allow the natural regeneration of wild flower meadow species. Its features include:
- Very slow regrowth, reducing maintenance costs
- Ideal for embankments or areas where access is restricted
- Reduced fertiliser requirements
- Year round colour
- Gromax treated, maximises shoot development
Johnsons J Roughs
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Johnsons J Roughs