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Round Up Pro Biactive 450
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Round Up Pro Biactive 450 has been developed for use on weeds in amenity vegetation, enclosed waters, hard surfaces, natural surfaces not intended to bear vegetation, land immediately adjacent to aquatic areas and open waters. Approved for use in areas open to the public & animals, or even near water.
Round Up Pro Biactive 450 is a foliar applied translocated herbicide developed using a new surfactant system known as Biactivator adjuvant technology.
Features of Round Up Biactive 450 include:
- Unique Biactive formulation gets more glyphosate into the plant
- Hazard free label - safer for the operator, public and pets
- Superior long term control of difficult perennial weeds
- Biodegrades in soil and water, excellent rainfastness
- Make the most of those precious weather windows
- Highest levels of performance and safety
- Preferred under COSHH
Round Up Pro Biactive 450
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Round Up Pro Biactive 450