XL Fairway
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XL Fairway is powerful penetrant wetting agent (soil wetter) with bioactive seaweed extract designed for use on golf course fairways, sports pitches and outfield turf.
XL Fairway also features a highly active seaweed extract, rich in gibberellic acid, to aid plant growth processes and reduce stress. Field trials have shown that application of XL Fairway results in a more consistent and even turf cover as hydrophobic ‘hot spots’ are dissipated by the penetrating action of the soil surfactant and the ingression of moisture.
XL Fairway is suitable for application with other tank mix components designed to act in the soil, such as Chlorpyrifos or Carbendazim, but should not be mixed with foliar absorbed materials due to placement incompatibility. (XL Fairway is designed to act in the soil, not on the leaf).