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Seeding & Overseeding
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For the construction of new pitch/amenity surfaces, we use a Turf Maker seeder.
For overseeding we use 2 systems:
- Multiseeder: The floating twin spike rollers follow the contours, saturating the surface with small ‘flower pot’ holes ready to accept the seeds, which are spread accurately via the stainless steel metering sections adjustable from 3-50 gms per m2. A drag bush sweeps the remaining seeds into the holes, and a rear smooth roller firms up the surface.
- Vredo 222 Sports Series: This seeder is equipped with a double disc system giving seed spacing in 3.5mm rows for fast and dense recovery. Seed is placed directly into soil contact, protecting it from the elements and ensuring germination every time.
The process of overseeding can help in a wide range of areas, including:
- improving colour
- reducing weed and moss invasion
- introducing good quality grasses that can withstand winter and summer sports
- filling-in damaged areas