Land Drainage
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Land drainage helps to ensure the maximum use of a playing surface throughout the year.
Primary land drainage
A well-designed drainage system enables play to continue all year round in all but the most extreme conditions and provides a more consistent playing surface. Our specialist land drainage machinery and techniques avoid the upheaval caused by more traditional methods and mean that your facility need not be closed for a prolonged time while the work is undertaken. Land drainage operations can then take place at the optimum time.
Secondary land drainage: Gravel Slitting
This system incorporates a network of drainage slits into the upper soil structure. These are closely spaced allowing the surface water to permeate much faster into the primary drainage system below. In addition, free-draining sand is added to the top of the soil which to help maintain a free-draining playing surface in all but the most extreme weather conditions. We excavate and install a network of gravel slits at an angle to the primary drainage system. The slits can be at 1 metre or 2 metre spacing. Each slit is 50mm wide and 250mm deep. The slits are back filled with clean gravel to within 150mm of the surface and topped with free draining sand or specified rootzone material
Sand banding
A solution to compacted soils and poorly draining root zones, sand banding decompacts the ground and improves drainage. Surface disturbance is minimal and play can continue immediately after normal mowing. Sand bands are installed with the new Vibra Sand Master slit drainage machine which creates highly effective and perfectly filled continuous sand bands – vastly improving drainage and enabling play even after wet weather. The continuous sand bands are at 26cm centres and 150mm deep.